. Event based programming model
	. Abstracts away from http : no need to understand Request-response cycle
	. Abstracts away from HTML : no need to decode request .work with components instead of markups
	. Abstracts from JSP       

	. A Standard J2ee 1.3+ web application
		. WEB-INF/lib     : jsf and common jar files 
		. web.xml         : faces controller servlet configuration
		.Faces-config.xml : containing(cnt:)
			. managed beans
			. Navigation model
	. JSP Pages  (cnt:) UI Components : encapsulated in jsp tag libraries :Core,HTML
	. Managed Beans : facilates UI logic of Application

Life Cycle of Pages
	. A JSF page represented by a tree of UI components called a view
	. Start of lifecycle    	 : a cleint mmakes a request for the page
	. During the life cycle 	 : Implementation must build the view while considering state saved from previous postback
	. On client postback of the page : Implementation must perform lifecycle steps 
					. Validation
					. Conversion
UI Cmoponents
	. Can be assosiated to model data objects trough Value binding 
	. Use helper objects : validators , converters ,listeners/events